There’s no better way to get hands-on engineering experience than by joining one of our 13 SPEED (Student Projects for Engineering Experience & Design) teams, which are 100% run by students.

  • Teams offered include: Baja SAE; Formula SAE; Formula SAE Electric; SAE Clean Snowmobile; Clarkson Rocketry; Concrete Canoe; Steel Bridge; Chem E Car; Timber Bridge; Design, Build, Fly; Construction Management; Human-Powered Vehicle and Underwater Robotics.
  • Every year, teams are presented with a problem that they need to solve and then they compete at regional, national and international competitions.
  • Each team is made up of only 15-20 students, so teammates get to really contribute to the success of their team and participate in competition.
  • Any Clarkson student can join any team, gaining hands-on, real world experience in areas like welding, designing, testing, prototyping, presentation delivery, budgeting, project management and more.
  • Employer recruiters love to see SPEED experience on a Clarkson student’s resume, as they know our smaller teams mean our students are a part of the final project from start to finish.